Monday, May 24, 2010

Last major workout!!

It felt really weird to go on this ride/run without my #1 training partner!  And dad was off doing an olympic triathlon so he wasn't available either.  Instead, my #1 husband and super support man went with me.  It also felt weird that we were leaving our children with my sister (and her in-laws!) who was injured!

After seeing the hills on the race course I knew this last big ride had to include a bunch of hills.  And it did not disappoint!  Fifty-nine miles of some major hills in mid-missouri.  I felt great the whole time.  Of course, your rear is going to feel sore after that long of a ride- and my legs were tired but overall I felt really great- and positive- and confident (that is the key word for me right now).  I ended it with a hilly 2 mile run.  As I ran past Heather's house (just 1/3 mile down for ours) they had all the kids down at the end of the driveway with cow bells & cheers!

I was worried about the heat (upper 80's- hit 89 before we finished).  We hadn't trained in hardly any sort of heat and with that tough of a ride I wasn't sure how I'd feel.  It was tough to eat solid food on the bike- I preferred to get my calories through my water bottle.  I will make it a point to eat more during the race.  Thankfully my parents house was 35 miles into the ride.  I finished my sandwich, chugged a bunch of OJ and filled up our water bottles.

The day was a big confidence builder for me.  I haven't felt confident about the race yet.  So, it was a big milestone for me!  And I got done feeling elated that it was our last BIG workout before the race.  Plus, it was a fun date day with my hubs!  Thanks Heather for taking the kids and supporting me through it all!


1 comment:

  1. This made me teary.....I know only you, Heidi, would get it and everyone else is thinking who is this weirdo who would get emotional over training!!! BUT you guys have worked soooo hard together and this is going to be a HUGE accomplishment......for your training partner to be injured and NOT at your side is hard. But that she was rooting for you in the end and happy for you is true support!! So happy you had a good training day!!!
