Thursday, May 20, 2010


Blog Info Only. I haven't talked about this on Facebook..... don't wanna blow this up to much. 

I am limping around the last 24 hours due to some strange foot injury. My troubles began nearly 2 weeks ago when I slipped on my "Nike Pool" (my term) shoes. The right foot hurt a little where the top of the shoe flexed. I thought, ummm thats weird and wore my running shoes instead to the pool. A couple days later I put them on again and same problem. The top of my foot was picky about what shoes I wore. No problems during workouts, running & cycling was fine. The problem slowly got worse. A couple days ago I was either wearing flip flops or running shoes. And began noticing a little bump where the pain was. Ok-that was weird, but it will pass. 

Yesterday Heidi, Dad & I took a GREAT ride on new bike route  north of Heidi & I's road. It was one of my favorite rides, because I felt it was similar terrain as our race route. Long hills. Perfect training. Thanks Nathan for being a route-master. Last night the bump began to swell and was red. And more painful than before. 

So today I called the doctor. And thankfully my family encouraged me to make the call sooner rather than later. And Dad took over some carpool duties so I could make the 3 p.m. appointment. The doctor was not sure what the problem was, but we are leaning towards an infection. Not sure from what, but she drew blood and even sent me to hospital for x-rays. Just to rule out anything broken. 

So here I sit with a very fat foot elevated and applying heat (antibiotics started). Thankful for a body that can even think about training for a half ironman. Grateful for family who supports me & encourage every step or limp of the way. Maybe I was just meant to taper & swim for 3 remaining weeks till race day. Not sure what will happen from here regarding training. I will take it easy until my foot is better. Hoping thats sometime Saturday night, so we can still get our last long ride in on Sunday!

BY: Heather


  1. oh friend it sounds horribly painful! i guess your whole body is hurting and you were trying to be tough with your foot too! i will pray as i know you've trained long and hard for this race only to have an injury 3 weeks out. take care of yourself extra right now!!! love you!

  2. Those feet of Heathers are the highest maintenance things she's got! I would never call heather high maintenance... but those feet!

    I have to make jokes because if I think about the "what ifs..." i start to get anxious & emotional.

    We WILL pull through this!!
