Sunday, January 10, 2010

Let the Journey Begin...

Tomorrow starts the beginning of our training plan.  21 weeks, 147 days.  In the end we will complete 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, and 13.1 mile run.  Just thinking about it brings on so many feelings.  The first one being anxiousness- the second being excitement.
I know I can do anything I set my mind to.  I just have to set my mind to do it!  I have paid the entry fee so that in itself sets my mind!

I am excited about getting my body in that good of shape.  About having that much dedication to myself.  I am excited about the journey and I can't think of a better training partner for this journey than my sister.

I thought about starting this blog because when Heather & I train together there are many roller coasters of emotions. During our 1/2 marathon training she was the one pulling me through most of the training runs.  They were cold, dark, snowy and long.  When it came to race day I was having extreme feelings of anxiousness.  I didn't know the course, the hills, the flats and exactly how far 13.1 miles was!  By the 2nd mile I was feeling great.  Heather was hurting and struggling.  By mile 10 she was really struggling and starting to tell me to run on.  I was just thrilled that for once I was pulling her along.

That is how our training goes.  One day she's high and pulls me and the other day I am pulling her.  I would never be doing this without her.  Because, honestly, I just like the social aspect of it all!

Cheers to our journey - and livin' our dash!

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