Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 2

Day 2 was scheduled for a 3 mile hilly run.  We headed out at 5:30am this morning in what was forecasted to be 12 degrees.  I was dressed for 0- just in case.  Heather was dressed for 20- which it ended up being.  We joined our tues/thurs running group of about 50 others (the group ranges- up to nearly 200 on our record setting day) and took out on the not-so-snow-packed trail.  My knees weren't feeling so great and then we hit the pavement and I felt great.  The run was fantastic and I felt like I could have easily done another mile or so.  Good thing because on thursday it kicks up to 4 miles- and we add a mile each week until we hit 12.  That will be the week before our 1/2 marathon in St. Louis on April 11th.

Rest day tomorrow!!

1 comment:

  1. You girls seriously ROCK!!! So excited to follow your journey! I know you are going to do awesome...way to live in the NOW! H :cO AKA PP
