WARNING: This could be long.
You all know how nervous I was. That finally subsided on friday morning. I woke up feeling great and excited. We packed up and headed to the race early afternoon- arriving at campsite around 4pm. They had already started packet-pick up on friday and as we drove by it to get to our campsite I decided that I was going to prolong that as long as possible. I knew once I picked up my packet and race information the nerves would come back. And these nerves would be the real deal. So, I pretended it was just a fun camping weekend with my family and friends. Like Heather said, a bunch of our multisport friends came over to race & cheer us on. One our two campsites we had 3 campers and about 6 tents by the end of Saturday.
The next morning (Sat) we had to do a little swim, bike, run. 15 min of each. It was brutely hot but we did it early and it felt good. We picked up our packet next. I love to get the whole experience so Heather, Dad & I went through the process together (of course), shopped a little, took pictures, got a delicious smoothie, etc. That was all fun so I was still excited. The day passed by SO quickly. We ordered italian take out so we wouldn't have to fight long going out to eat. It was perfect. I started getting nervous and anxious BIG TIME that evening. I felt unorganized and stressed. We decided to sleep all the kids in our camper and I slept in mom & dad's camper with my other teammates :). I didn't get to bed until 10pm.... STRESSFUL!
RACE MORNING!!! Up at 4:30am! Forced a bagel, applesauce and some coffee down. Packed a pb&j sandwich and got everything ready. My stomach felt like it was race morning- AWFUL! We had already racked our bike stuff (there were two transitions) so we ran our transition 2 stuff down and headed to the lake. We had to be out of transition about 45 minutes before our swim start. So, plenty of time to stand around and be nervous! Thankfully, heather & i started in the same swim wave so we were together till the gun went off.
Off we went. The first 1/2 of the swim felt fantastic. Until I followed this red cap off course... back on course I go and keep on swimming. The way back was a little brutal- sun in face and red caps (wave behind us catching up- guys 20-24) catching us and swimming on top of us and sometimes knocking us (heather got knocked really hard in the ear). I thought I was WAY behind Heather at this point. Out of the water only to hear a TON of cheering from my family & friends. 43 minutes. I couldn't beleive I swam it that quickly.
A minute into transition (or less) and Heather comes and smacks me on the butt! I hurry up and leave T1 so I will be ahead of her. I knew she'd catch me quickly (she's a great biker) on the bike so I hammered it. The miles were going smoothly. I am usually very happy on race day- and this was no different. I was having a great time- making up songs, chatting with people, cheering for people and just kickin' it. Mile 26 we turn around and I see her! I yell to her "I've been waiting for you!!!". hee, hee. She catches me in another mile and we go back and forth for the next 20-25 miles. Having a blast! The course wasn't easy but it sure didn't feel anything like it had 3 weeks earlier when we came to "test" ride it. Heather lost me on the last few miles.
She was still in transition (and it really is amazing that our transition spots were so close- 2000 racers) but left quickly when I got there. More cheering from my fabulous family. I saw her on the 1 mile turn around and then again at mile 3 water station. She had to stop for the bathroom so I caught up to her. We both made a pact that we wouldn't hold back for each other. We would each race our race. But it ended up we pulled each other at the exact times we needed to and ran the rest of the 10 miles together. We were told by a few racers that we had "way too much energy". We got a high from cheering others on, joking with others and just having fun. It is the reason why I love to race. And seeing our family & friends at the CMC corner was the highlight of our run. And we finished a fabulous run- and experience- hand in hand through the finish line.
What a perfect day.
Two sisters/stay-at-home moms got this crazy idea to train for triathlon 70.3 in 21 weeks. We wanted to journal our journey. AGAIN.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Race Report
I can't believe its taken me so long to write this out. Pictures take more time for me to upload, so this post may not have many pictures.
This race was simply amazing!! It was fun and fabulous! I enjoyed every minute (6 hours and 50 minutes)! I am ready to do this again, my family still needs more time to recover, but I'm doing another 70.3 race.
Since Heidi & I are in the same age group (30-34) we began the swim together. I was able to see Heidi's yellow jersey just ahead of me for the swim. Wasn't able to catch her, but felt good knowing where she was. I tapped her butt running by her transition spot. She thought I was ahead of her. She left on the bike a couple minutes ahead of me and it took me 26 miles to finally catch her. SHE WAS FLYING! Our coach & friend Amy texted us on Saturday with advice. She told us that the bike should never feel hard, but don't mess around either. So every so often I asked myself "is this hard? nope" Okay, keep up this pace. As you know, we had ridden this course 3 weeks prior to race day and I could not believe how different I felt on race day! Amazing what happens when you let your legs & body taper for race day. Once I finally caught Heidi we rode together until the last 6 miles, when I pulled ahead. We joked & sang songs. We made up silly words and encouraged other cyclist. I enjoyed each mile.
Once again Heidi & I were in the transition area together before the run. We did not plan to race together and each of us agreed to have our OWN race! I ran out of T2 slightly ahead of Heidi, but just like the bike it wasn't long before we were together again. Neither of us waited for the other, but it was amazing & very special to complete most of this race with my sister & best friend. I felt really good on the run, which surprised me very much! We had never put all these distances together, so the run made me a little nervous. How would my legs feel. Would I have more energy to give? I struggle with heat & running and knew that would be a factor. But thankfully my body had just what I needed to get across the finish line. Our dad finished before us (He started about 20 minutes ahead). And when we rounded the last corner and could see the finish chute...there was dad. Cheering his heart out. We crossed the finish line together, holding hands! Gave each other a HUGE HUG that lasted a while. I was afraid if she let go, I'll fall down :) A memory that will forever be burned in my brain. I still feel like it was yesterday and sometimes it feels like a dream.
One side note: Our local triathlon club, CMC (Columbia Multi-sport Club) was in the house!! BIG TIME!! We raced with many fellow club member & friends, but many many club members drove 3 hours to spectate & cheer their hearts out. On the run we passed "CMC Corner" in the campground 4 times. It was HUGE motivation & encouragement for us to see our friends & family!
I am beyond blessed & thankful for my family who has supported me & trained with me along this journey. I would never be doing triathlons if it were not for my dad! He got all this madness started and I'm so thankful he did!!
do we look nervous? we are! about to begin the swim!
This race was simply amazing!! It was fun and fabulous! I enjoyed every minute (6 hours and 50 minutes)! I am ready to do this again, my family still needs more time to recover, but I'm doing another 70.3 race.
Since Heidi & I are in the same age group (30-34) we began the swim together. I was able to see Heidi's yellow jersey just ahead of me for the swim. Wasn't able to catch her, but felt good knowing where she was. I tapped her butt running by her transition spot. She thought I was ahead of her. She left on the bike a couple minutes ahead of me and it took me 26 miles to finally catch her. SHE WAS FLYING! Our coach & friend Amy texted us on Saturday with advice. She told us that the bike should never feel hard, but don't mess around either. So every so often I asked myself "is this hard? nope" Okay, keep up this pace. As you know, we had ridden this course 3 weeks prior to race day and I could not believe how different I felt on race day! Amazing what happens when you let your legs & body taper for race day. Once I finally caught Heidi we rode together until the last 6 miles, when I pulled ahead. We joked & sang songs. We made up silly words and encouraged other cyclist. I enjoyed each mile.
Once again Heidi & I were in the transition area together before the run. We did not plan to race together and each of us agreed to have our OWN race! I ran out of T2 slightly ahead of Heidi, but just like the bike it wasn't long before we were together again. Neither of us waited for the other, but it was amazing & very special to complete most of this race with my sister & best friend. I felt really good on the run, which surprised me very much! We had never put all these distances together, so the run made me a little nervous. How would my legs feel. Would I have more energy to give? I struggle with heat & running and knew that would be a factor. But thankfully my body had just what I needed to get across the finish line. Our dad finished before us (He started about 20 minutes ahead). And when we rounded the last corner and could see the finish chute...there was dad. Cheering his heart out. We crossed the finish line together, holding hands! Gave each other a HUGE HUG that lasted a while. I was afraid if she let go, I'll fall down :) A memory that will forever be burned in my brain. I still feel like it was yesterday and sometimes it feels like a dream.
One side note: Our local triathlon club, CMC (Columbia Multi-sport Club) was in the house!! BIG TIME!! We raced with many fellow club member & friends, but many many club members drove 3 hours to spectate & cheer their hearts out. On the run we passed "CMC Corner" in the campground 4 times. It was HUGE motivation & encouragement for us to see our friends & family!
do we look nervous? we are! about to begin the swim!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Email Letter
Below you will read a email/letter Heidi wrote to a group of AWESOME people we met back in October 2009 @ a leadership conference near Las Vegas. This class & group has forever changed my life for the better. And I wanted to share this letter with our blog.
Pictures of race day will be coming...sometime.....soon ;) We had an awesome race day full of smiles & laughing! And finished together!
Hello LB2 friends!
I can remember back to the precise moment when I was up in front of all of you making a very serious commitment. I felt powerful, excited and on top of the world. I made a commitment to complete a 1/2 ironman with my sister in 2010. I will admit to you all that when I arrived back home (you see, heather had been thinking about this since our previous quarter triathlon distance and I had been very skeptical and non committal)- into reality- I realized the overwhelming challenge I had committed myself to and was unsure that I could do it. I had many excuses. One of the biggest values I get from Rapport is about commitment. So, I knew I was going to follow through.
Right before Christmas we met with our coach (and friend) to develop a plan. On January 13th we began the plan. Six days a week of training- for 5 months. Totals- 70,000+ yrds swimming, 1200+ miles of biking and 220+ miles of running. And I was still unsure that I was ready!! It has been a fun & tough journey.
I am so blessed to have a training partner that has been 100% positive through the whole experience and has encouraged me and motivated me in ways that she will never know. A husband that has been supportive and encouraging and taken the kids every step and long training day along the way. And many other family members that have made our crazy training schedule possible. Plus, a dad that has been training with us- and is doing the race with us!
Sunday is the day. Ready or not, here I come!
Heidi Crouch
Hello LB2 friends!
I can remember back to the precise moment when I was up in front of all of you making a very serious commitment. I felt powerful, excited and on top of the world. I made a commitment to complete a 1/2 ironman with my sister in 2010. I will admit to you all that when I arrived back home (you see, heather had been thinking about this since our previous quarter triathlon distance and I had been very skeptical and non committal)- into reality- I realized the overwhelming challenge I had committed myself to and was unsure that I could do it. I had many excuses. One of the biggest values I get from Rapport is about commitment. So, I knew I was going to follow through.
Right before Christmas we met with our coach (and friend) to develop a plan. On January 13th we began the plan. Six days a week of training- for 5 months. Totals- 70,000+ yrds swimming, 1200+ miles of biking and 220+ miles of running. And I was still unsure that I was ready!! It has been a fun & tough journey.
I am so blessed to have a training partner that has been 100% positive through the whole experience and has encouraged me and motivated me in ways that she will never know. A husband that has been supportive and encouraging and taken the kids every step and long training day along the way. And many other family members that have made our crazy training schedule possible. Plus, a dad that has been training with us- and is doing the race with us!
Sunday is the day. Ready or not, here I come!
Heidi Crouch
Thursday, June 3, 2010
What's Next?
When we began this journey to 70.3 in January we had big plans to do nothing all summer. Planned to take the summer off & get our lives back to normal (whatever that means, I'm not sure). As we've gotten closer to race day we have begun talking about what's next. We're still dreaming and exploring how to push maybe even farther.
We have even committed to doing Ragnar relay race in Tennessee with friends in November. Google it! Basically a team of 12 people running from Chattanooga to Nashville over 2 days. Round the clock running. I'm certain it will be very fun!
Also talking about training for a full marathon. We're convinced it would require fewer days of workouts, which is exciting!
So, we're still planning & dreaming. Stay tuned. It will be FUN, cause thats how we do training!
Re: Kansas 70.3....We're all driving over to Lawrence Kansas tomorrow. Camping all weekend and hanging out with lots and lots of friends from our local triathlon club (Columbia MultiSport Club). We will not be lonely on Sunday. There will be lots of friends & family racing & cheering us on! I am excited and ready to soak it all in!
BY: Heather
We have even committed to doing Ragnar relay race in Tennessee with friends in November. Google it! Basically a team of 12 people running from Chattanooga to Nashville over 2 days. Round the clock running. I'm certain it will be very fun!
Also talking about training for a full marathon. We're convinced it would require fewer days of workouts, which is exciting!
So, we're still planning & dreaming. Stay tuned. It will be FUN, cause thats how we do training!
Re: Kansas 70.3....We're all driving over to Lawrence Kansas tomorrow. Camping all weekend and hanging out with lots and lots of friends from our local triathlon club (Columbia MultiSport Club). We will not be lonely on Sunday. There will be lots of friends & family racing & cheering us on! I am excited and ready to soak it all in!
BY: Heather
Monday, May 31, 2010
Final Week thoughts.
I wouldn't even have to put my name up there. I'm sure by now you all know that I am the nervous one.
We have entered our final week. I just completed my final 2000 yrds before the race. I decided I better do at least 40 laps without stopping to make sure I could do it. I knew in my head that I could but in our training we always did a swim workout and stopped for breathers. We have been swimming in the lake the past 3 swims but we still stop at the end for a moment. The final swim was in a pool and went by fairly quickly. I was happy that it was only 40 laps instead of 60!
I have been extremely busy- and thankfully this week is also busy. As I was sitting in church on Saturday I started thinking about the race being 7 days away. That is when the knots in my stomach began- a lot like they are doing right now as I'm thinking about it. I tend to get nervous with all races (not sure why I call them races- they are more like events to me) I do and this one seems to be 10x more so.
There will be so many people cheering me on. I am excited about that but it also makes me more nervous. I am focusing on this being MY RACE/EVENT instead of trying to please anyone else. My other focus will be a verse in the Bible- "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". If you have any other wise quotes/thoughts that I will help me on race day- or race week- please share them with me.
I know I can accomplish this race. I'm just very nervous and anxious about it. All these weeks leading up to this one event is just a little overwhelming at this stage. Thank you all for your thoughts, kind words and support. They have kept me motivated through this process!
I wouldn't even have to put my name up there. I'm sure by now you all know that I am the nervous one.
We have entered our final week. I just completed my final 2000 yrds before the race. I decided I better do at least 40 laps without stopping to make sure I could do it. I knew in my head that I could but in our training we always did a swim workout and stopped for breathers. We have been swimming in the lake the past 3 swims but we still stop at the end for a moment. The final swim was in a pool and went by fairly quickly. I was happy that it was only 40 laps instead of 60!
I have been extremely busy- and thankfully this week is also busy. As I was sitting in church on Saturday I started thinking about the race being 7 days away. That is when the knots in my stomach began- a lot like they are doing right now as I'm thinking about it. I tend to get nervous with all races (not sure why I call them races- they are more like events to me) I do and this one seems to be 10x more so.
There will be so many people cheering me on. I am excited about that but it also makes me more nervous. I am focusing on this being MY RACE/EVENT instead of trying to please anyone else. My other focus will be a verse in the Bible- "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". If you have any other wise quotes/thoughts that I will help me on race day- or race week- please share them with me.
I know I can accomplish this race. I'm just very nervous and anxious about it. All these weeks leading up to this one event is just a little overwhelming at this stage. Thank you all for your thoughts, kind words and support. They have kept me motivated through this process!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Finally Getting Answers
May 27th 2010
Tuesday of this week I saw a dermatologist due to my doctors referral. Her thinking was that I had a skin issue. After about 3 seconds the derm doc told me "This is not a skin problem". He told me it was a bone, fascial, tendon issue in my foot. So I shared with him my rush for quick results & he exited the room & called Columbia Orthopedic Group. The next morning (to get an appointment that quickly was HUGE!!) I was visiting with Dr. Thornburg who believes I had/have Gout. He explained a little about Gout, which if you don't know, is basically joint arthritis. We discussed doing a cortisone shot to help. That will probably take place next week. Most people who get Gout are older overweight men who drink too much beer & love their red meat. So I still haven't figured out where I fit in and what I can do to reduce my chance of getting this again. BUT. I am thrilled to finally found answers. It took 4 doctors. Bottom line is my foot is getting better. Slowly, more slowly than I would like, but I can see the light or rather the finish line in Kansas 70.3 :)
Today the bump on the top of my foot is a little better/smaller. Just a little. Still prefer to wear flip flops or nothing on my foot. Best news today, I GOT TO RUN!!! It was great. A little pain, but more like discomfort. Heidi & I are biking in the morning. That will be the real challenge, due to biking shoes fitting so tight.
At this point I haven't thought much about what Gout is. I am focused on getting better and thrilled to be back training!! Amazing how you're perspective changes when your body says NO/STOP. I've never been so happy to wake up @ 4:52 am to run with Dad, Heidi & our friend Melissa. 4 miles felt easy today.
by: Heather
Monday, May 24, 2010
Phil's Great Idea
So, I haven't been doing much since last Wednesday. Until last night only a swim. Somewhere along this training journey I have become somewhat rigid about our training plan. And not being able to accomplished the workout each day has been driving me NUTS! You can ask Phil. I have been grumpy, moody & just not very fun to live with.
So on Saturday night Phil said we could cut up my old shoes and give my foot's bump space. (today was the first day I have warn a shoe, still not tied, but at least it fit.) At first I thought this was a weird idea, but the more I thought about it, the more I liked it. Last night after supper, he hooked my bike up on the trainer. Taped the shoe & gave me time to sweat & be happy.
Amazing what that 53 minute workout did for my spirits. Immediate mood improvements!
Today, Monday May 24th: The foot still has a bump. Heidi, Dad & I did the swim today in open water. Swelling is down, less pain and I can walk normal. Improvements, but still need the bump to be gone.
Last major workout!!
It felt really weird to go on this ride/run without my #1 training partner! And dad was off doing an olympic triathlon so he wasn't available either. Instead, my #1 husband and super support man went with me. It also felt weird that we were leaving our children with my sister (and her in-laws!) who was injured!
After seeing the hills on the race course I knew this last big ride had to include a bunch of hills. And it did not disappoint! Fifty-nine miles of some major hills in mid-missouri. I felt great the whole time. Of course, your rear is going to feel sore after that long of a ride- and my legs were tired but overall I felt really great- and positive- and confident (that is the key word for me right now). I ended it with a hilly 2 mile run. As I ran past Heather's house (just 1/3 mile down for ours) they had all the kids down at the end of the driveway with cow bells & cheers!
I was worried about the heat (upper 80's- hit 89 before we finished). We hadn't trained in hardly any sort of heat and with that tough of a ride I wasn't sure how I'd feel. It was tough to eat solid food on the bike- I preferred to get my calories through my water bottle. I will make it a point to eat more during the race. Thankfully my parents house was 35 miles into the ride. I finished my sandwich, chugged a bunch of OJ and filled up our water bottles.
The day was a big confidence builder for me. I haven't felt confident about the race yet. So, it was a big milestone for me! And I got done feeling elated that it was our last BIG workout before the race. Plus, it was a fun date day with my hubs! Thanks Heather for taking the kids and supporting me through it all!
After seeing the hills on the race course I knew this last big ride had to include a bunch of hills. And it did not disappoint! Fifty-nine miles of some major hills in mid-missouri. I felt great the whole time. Of course, your rear is going to feel sore after that long of a ride- and my legs were tired but overall I felt really great- and positive- and confident (that is the key word for me right now). I ended it with a hilly 2 mile run. As I ran past Heather's house (just 1/3 mile down for ours) they had all the kids down at the end of the driveway with cow bells & cheers!
I was worried about the heat (upper 80's- hit 89 before we finished). We hadn't trained in hardly any sort of heat and with that tough of a ride I wasn't sure how I'd feel. It was tough to eat solid food on the bike- I preferred to get my calories through my water bottle. I will make it a point to eat more during the race. Thankfully my parents house was 35 miles into the ride. I finished my sandwich, chugged a bunch of OJ and filled up our water bottles.
The day was a big confidence builder for me. I haven't felt confident about the race yet. So, it was a big milestone for me! And I got done feeling elated that it was our last BIG workout before the race. Plus, it was a fun date day with my hubs! Thanks Heather for taking the kids and supporting me through it all!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Foot Update...
This morning I called our coach, Amy & she encouraged me to get a second opinion on the foot infection. So, off I went to the local urgent care. This dr. added another antibiotic to fight nearly every infection that could be going on. I'm hoping to wake up tomorrow morning with improvements.
There is a quarter size red bump on the top and the rest of the foot is swollen & red. I have pictures, but will spare you the details.
So, Heidi & Nathan are going to ride 60 miles tomorrow and I'm hoping to get on the trainer for a bit. Phil suggested we tape back the straps & tongue of my (right) cycling shoe and wear the left shoe like normal. I'm thankfully for that suggestion and we even tried the shoe on and I think it'll work.
Also thankfully we swam this afternoon. Felt awesome to get a workout done. I can't afford a lot of time doing nothing. And 2 days off was not fun for me.
I am grateful for my family & friends who are encouraging & praying for me.
by: Heather
There is a quarter size red bump on the top and the rest of the foot is swollen & red. I have pictures, but will spare you the details.
So, Heidi & Nathan are going to ride 60 miles tomorrow and I'm hoping to get on the trainer for a bit. Phil suggested we tape back the straps & tongue of my (right) cycling shoe and wear the left shoe like normal. I'm thankfully for that suggestion and we even tried the shoe on and I think it'll work.
Also thankfully we swam this afternoon. Felt awesome to get a workout done. I can't afford a lot of time doing nothing. And 2 days off was not fun for me.
I am grateful for my family & friends who are encouraging & praying for me.
by: Heather
Open Water Swim! May 22, 2010
These are pictures from our 1st open water swim. We love this lake and its very fun to involve the WHOLE family with some of our training. We are FINALLY getting some warm weather and it felt great to swim outside today.
Nathan gave "ride" to kids while being our lifeguard.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Blog Info Only. I haven't talked about this on Facebook..... don't wanna blow this up to much.
I am limping around the last 24 hours due to some strange foot injury. My troubles began nearly 2 weeks ago when I slipped on my "Nike Pool" (my term) shoes. The right foot hurt a little where the top of the shoe flexed. I thought, ummm thats weird and wore my running shoes instead to the pool. A couple days later I put them on again and same problem. The top of my foot was picky about what shoes I wore. No problems during workouts, running & cycling was fine. The problem slowly got worse. A couple days ago I was either wearing flip flops or running shoes. And began noticing a little bump where the pain was. Ok-that was weird, but it will pass.
Yesterday Heidi, Dad & I took a GREAT ride on new bike route north of Heidi & I's road. It was one of my favorite rides, because I felt it was similar terrain as our race route. Long hills. Perfect training. Thanks Nathan for being a route-master. Last night the bump began to swell and was red. And more painful than before.
So today I called the doctor. And thankfully my family encouraged me to make the call sooner rather than later. And Dad took over some carpool duties so I could make the 3 p.m. appointment. The doctor was not sure what the problem was, but we are leaning towards an infection. Not sure from what, but she drew blood and even sent me to hospital for x-rays. Just to rule out anything broken.
So here I sit with a very fat foot elevated and applying heat (antibiotics started). Thankful for a body that can even think about training for a half ironman. Grateful for family who supports me & encourage every step or limp of the way. Maybe I was just meant to taper & swim for 3 remaining weeks till race day. Not sure what will happen from here regarding training. I will take it easy until my foot is better. Hoping thats sometime Saturday night, so we can still get our last long ride in on Sunday!
BY: Heather
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The World's Best Triathlon Coach!
Last night we spent a pleasant evening with our friend and coach, Amy. She is an amazing triathlon coach, a Kona Ironwoman (and many, many more), owns her own business (the best triathlon store- The Starting Block), is a mother and a fantastic friend. It was great to catch up on life, family, friends and of course... our training.
The best news Heather & I heard all night was that we got to cancel a 70 mile bike in preperation for taper week. We talked about the next few weeks, race day preperation and race day nutrition. This upcoming weekend will be our last big training workout. Which both excites me and scares me!
Thanks Amy!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Trial Run- Lawrance, KS
Friday afternoon we packed up and headed to Jayhawk country... Lawrance, KS. We thought this would be a very smart idea. And it was.... We just could have chosen a nicer weekend! All Saturday it was raining and cold- never leaving the 50's! We were supposed to get in a swim on Saturday but decided against it and stayed healthy and well. I think I can speak for us all when I say that we were pretty anxious about the weather all day Saturday and not looking forward to a replay on Sunday morning. We knew we didn't have a choice though.
Woke up Sunday morning and it was drizzling. And continued to do so for about the first hour of our ride. Temps were in the low 50's the entire workout.
We choose KS because everything we saw of KS was flat. Uh.... we were WRONG! Huge, monstrous climbs. Don't get me wrong- we have trained in the hills but the hills in Columbia are steep, fairly short and have a downhill before the uphill! These KS hills not very steep but very long climbs. We are SO glad that we went and discovered it this weekend. There isn't much we can do in 3 weeks to more prepare for this but at least we will be prepared with knowledge. And we know we can do it!
By mile 50 my legs were done. My legs felt so tired and I was counting down the minutes till the end. I was also very stressed about how my legs could even run. We got back to camp, put on our running shoes, downed some nutrition and off we went. After biking your legs feel like you're doing a 15 minute mile so it didn't feel like we were going fast at all. After the first mile or maybe two I could feel my feet and legs again. I was very happy with the four miles. Not easy at all but do able. And we finished in great time.
Up until this weekend I have been very anxious about this race. I don't feel like I'm ready. I know I'm getting stronger and realize that I can most likely push though it but not feeling good about it. My hold up is the 13.1 mile run. And I must admit running is my favorite sport in this training. It is just doing the 13.1 after my legs get off that bike!
Before race photo. We look a little apprehensive!
DONE!!!! Looking a lot happier than the before picture! Our cheering crowd joined us for the picture!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Mental Toughness
I am beginning to have a little mental strength. Before this 70.3 journey I had zero mental strength when it came to triathlon. I listened too much to my body and mind.
We had a 3000 yard swim on Monday. I was dreading it! Why? Not sure....Just didn't want to do it. I began swimming with a internal pep talk. Ok Heather you can do this. You'll feel so good when your done. 3000 yards is the longest you have ever swam...That sorta thing. Then I started counting my blessings. Each lap was a different way I am blessed. The laps flew by and my negative attitude turned around (within 2 laps).
On Sunday, about mile 33 my bottom really started bothering me (for reasons we won't share on this blog). And I really began let that pain control the rest of how I was feeling. So for 7 miles I had negative dialog with myself. Then something happened. Maybe a little mental strength crepted in.....I began to focus on the other parts of my body that felt good. Legs...check. Back....check. Heart rate....check. Feet....check. And before too many more miles I also found a position that made my butt feel good also. I also focused on the fact that 66 miles is a freakin long way and how lucky am I to be able to accomplish a ride of that length. Back to the blessings.
So my point is that during race day I will remain focused on positive things & use my new found mental strength to power through the tough & ugly miles! And trust our training plan & preparation.
Another confidence booster will be this Sunday's workout. Don't recall if Heidi mentioned this or not. We are going to the race site to do a practice tri on the race course. 1500 yd swim, 56 mile bike and short run, 4 miles I think. Even camping & doing a trial run of our pre race supper.
by: Heather
We had a 3000 yard swim on Monday. I was dreading it! Why? Not sure....Just didn't want to do it. I began swimming with a internal pep talk. Ok Heather you can do this. You'll feel so good when your done. 3000 yards is the longest you have ever swam...That sorta thing. Then I started counting my blessings. Each lap was a different way I am blessed. The laps flew by and my negative attitude turned around (within 2 laps).
On Sunday, about mile 33 my bottom really started bothering me (for reasons we won't share on this blog). And I really began let that pain control the rest of how I was feeling. So for 7 miles I had negative dialog with myself. Then something happened. Maybe a little mental strength crepted in.....I began to focus on the other parts of my body that felt good. Legs...check. Back....check. Heart rate....check. Feet....check. And before too many more miles I also found a position that made my butt feel good also. I also focused on the fact that 66 miles is a freakin long way and how lucky am I to be able to accomplish a ride of that length. Back to the blessings.
So my point is that during race day I will remain focused on positive things & use my new found mental strength to power through the tough & ugly miles! And trust our training plan & preparation.
Another confidence booster will be this Sunday's workout. Don't recall if Heidi mentioned this or not. We are going to the race site to do a practice tri on the race course. 1500 yd swim, 56 mile bike and short run, 4 miles I think. Even camping & doing a trial run of our pre race supper.
by: Heather
Monday, May 10, 2010
One month & counting
I'm beginning to feel the pressure of the race. I feel like I'm on a roll right now with workouts and my strength is building quickly. I feel like I can accomplish anything that is on the schedule. However, the race itself is still beyond my confidence. I feel like I need 6 weeks and only have 4. The 13.1 miles after the rest is my rock wall that I can't seem to wrap my mind around.
Finally we had a workout that allowed me to start breaking that wall down. Friday we had an hour bike followed by a 10 mile run. I was actually excited about that workout. I would say running is my favorite sport right now. I looked forward to the run afterwards (dad & heather thought I was crazy). Most of our bricks (two workouts back to back) have been a long bike w/ short 1-2 mile runs. I enjoyed getting to feel my legs after the 2 miles- and they felt great. I started hurting at mile 8 and was so excited to finish such a great workout.
Yesterday was a 66 mile bike ride. I was anxious. For some reason bike is my least favorite sport of the three. And I figured out why. I am the weakest link on the bike. Dad could ride all day long and power through anything. Heather has some major strength and powers through the bike so easily (in my thinking at least!). She can conquer a massive hill like nothing! However!!! It was a great ride for me. Besides my seat hurting my butt bones so badly I felt great the entire ride.
This morning we had another milestone. 3000 yrd swim. 60 laps!! We always plan out the workout in sets (10 lap warmup, 8 laps of drills, speed work, cool down....). We did the same thing today except made every thing a little longer and it really passed by quickly. We were both surprised.
Finally we had a workout that allowed me to start breaking that wall down. Friday we had an hour bike followed by a 10 mile run. I was actually excited about that workout. I would say running is my favorite sport right now. I looked forward to the run afterwards (dad & heather thought I was crazy). Most of our bricks (two workouts back to back) have been a long bike w/ short 1-2 mile runs. I enjoyed getting to feel my legs after the 2 miles- and they felt great. I started hurting at mile 8 and was so excited to finish such a great workout.
Yesterday was a 66 mile bike ride. I was anxious. For some reason bike is my least favorite sport of the three. And I figured out why. I am the weakest link on the bike. Dad could ride all day long and power through anything. Heather has some major strength and powers through the bike so easily (in my thinking at least!). She can conquer a massive hill like nothing! However!!! It was a great ride for me. Besides my seat hurting my butt bones so badly I felt great the entire ride.
This morning we had another milestone. 3000 yrd swim. 60 laps!! We always plan out the workout in sets (10 lap warmup, 8 laps of drills, speed work, cool down....). We did the same thing today except made every thing a little longer and it really passed by quickly. We were both surprised.
Monday, May 3, 2010
TRIZOU May 2, 2010
We did our first triathlon of the season yesterday. It was a sprint distance (440m swim, 14 mile bike & 3 mile run) race & I had a blast. This is a local race put on by Ultramax. Mark & Amy Livesay have the best races I have found and this was my first triathlon a few years ago. Many of our friends in the local triathlon club (Columbia Multisport, aka CMC) volunteer & race. So it very nice to know so many friendly faces on the course. Nothing like racing by a friend and getting encouragement by name. All of our family was either racing (Dad, Heidi & I) or volunteering (Phil, my hubby, Nathan: Heidi's man and Mom). On a side note: VOLUNTEERS are awesome!! And they have a much longer & energy draining day than I did! Phil got up 1 hour before me and got home after my lunch & nap were finished!
About the race. Its on University campus and the pool is located in the MU Rec center which is a TOP NOTCH place! Amazing pool! I loved the swim!
I haven't crunched all the numbers & stats. But happy to report that I took 10 minutes off my time from 2 years ago. The majority of that was from the bike & run. I felt very strong on the bike & pushed myself for the run. It felt really great to be overly trained for a race. I have a history of under training & just doing enough to get by.... not this year!
May is a big training month, big shock. We have 3 -70 mile rides. The first of which is Sunday. We will be celebrating mothers day on our bikes ;) In 2 weeks we will drive to the race site (about 3 hours away) to camp & train on the actual race course (we'll do a swim/bike/run workout). I'm looking forward to being on the course prior to race day!
Heidi & I swam this morning & will ride 30 miles tonight. I'm hoping the ride goes better than my swim. I was cranky & just didn't feel like swimming. I felt like a 3 year old.... "I don't wanna swim" (say in a winey voice).
by: Heather
Monday, April 26, 2010
Sand Bagging.
MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2010
Sand Bagging.
I realized today that I have been sandbagging myself. Here is how I discovered this:
I walk into the pool. Heather is already on lap 25. We knew we needed to time ourself today for our sprint tri this weekend. We need to know how long it would take us to swim 440 yrds (9 laps) so we could put ourselves in the right swim category on sunday (you start w/ the people that swim your same speed).
I was late because I got to the gym and realized I didn't have my gym bag. So, I had to drive 15 minutes back home, get it, and go back! I wasn't feeling great this morning and just felt sluggish.
Okay, back to walking into the pool. Heather greets me with a big smile and says eagerly that she just did 9 laps in under 9 minutes. UGH!! Great for you but there isn't any way that I'm going to be fast this morning. But her spirits lift me a little and I jump in and start going. First lap I look down to click my lap counter and see I did it in 50 seconds. Oh, I must have looked at that wrong. I'm sure it's 58 seconds. Look again. 50 SECONDS!! I was swimming quickly but not breathlessly. 9 laps = 8 min 24 secs! I was so psyched!
We also jumped on the treadmill for 2 miles after the swim. I caught heather on her way off the treadmill and asked her what her time was. I needed motivation! What would have been a 20+ minute run was an 18:50 minute run! I was running fast but again didn't feel I was doing anything I couldn't do. I was pushing myself and it felt great! Plus, I just knew I had to beat Heather :) Doesn't happen often so I will take advantage of the times that I can! She totally would have kicked me if she was racing right next to me!
So, I'm done sandbagging myself. And realize the more I tell myself I can the more I can- and WILL! I am very excited about Trizou- the sprint on Sunday. The past few years I have only been trained to complete the race. This year I am trained to race the race!
I walk into the pool. Heather is already on lap 25. We knew we needed to time ourself today for our sprint tri this weekend. We need to know how long it would take us to swim 440 yrds (9 laps) so we could put ourselves in the right swim category on sunday (you start w/ the people that swim your same speed).
I was late because I got to the gym and realized I didn't have my gym bag. So, I had to drive 15 minutes back home, get it, and go back! I wasn't feeling great this morning and just felt sluggish.
Okay, back to walking into the pool. Heather greets me with a big smile and says eagerly that she just did 9 laps in under 9 minutes. UGH!! Great for you but there isn't any way that I'm going to be fast this morning. But her spirits lift me a little and I jump in and start going. First lap I look down to click my lap counter and see I did it in 50 seconds. Oh, I must have looked at that wrong. I'm sure it's 58 seconds. Look again. 50 SECONDS!! I was swimming quickly but not breathlessly. 9 laps = 8 min 24 secs! I was so psyched!
We also jumped on the treadmill for 2 miles after the swim. I caught heather on her way off the treadmill and asked her what her time was. I needed motivation! What would have been a 20+ minute run was an 18:50 minute run! I was running fast but again didn't feel I was doing anything I couldn't do. I was pushing myself and it felt great! Plus, I just knew I had to beat Heather :) Doesn't happen often so I will take advantage of the times that I can! She totally would have kicked me if she was racing right next to me!
So, I'm done sandbagging myself. And realize the more I tell myself I can the more I can- and WILL! I am very excited about Trizou- the sprint on Sunday. The past few years I have only been trained to complete the race. This year I am trained to race the race!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Rain, Rain........
...GO AWAY! Our last 2 bike rides have been inside due to nasty rain. Lots of rain. We're talking over 3 inches this weekend! So, needless to say we have not completed our workouts, we'll sorta. We've done the best we could, but it doesn't feel good enough. I'm not enjoying this feeling of "good enough". We had a 60 mile bike ride on the schedule for Friday morning. I was really looking forward to breaking that record. I've NEVER rode that far before and was excited to get it done. So instead we did a 60 minute spin class. On Friday the weather was calling for hail & lighting. Not great conditions for cyclists. We did what we could, but all day I didn't feel right.
The old Heather would have been fine skipping or missing workouts. Almost excited that our workouts would be cancelled. But this weekend its making me a little nuts. Am I becoming an overachiever?
Today we waited all morning & watched the radar, just hoping the rain & green on the screen would move out and the roads would dry. But then the waiting part was driving me nuts also, so we rented a movie and hopped on the trainers. We made good use of our time, but it feels like under achieving.
The really good news is the movie was really funny! (Four Christmas')And this is the first weekend that the weather has given us trouble. Please don't get me wrong our training is going very well. We are really really close to being ready for the 70.3!!
The upcoming week is an easy week, which I feel like is very much needed! And on Sunday we'll do our first triathlon of the season. Its a sprint distance, which means, short race. (500 m swim; 13 or 14 mile bike and 3 mile run) I'm looking forward to seeing what I can do and then compare it to past years times.
Friday, April 16, 2010
New Bike!!
After shopping & spending lots of time at the local bike shop. I have finally gotten a new bike. I have been dreaming of a new bike for several years. My blue bike was good, but I needed to upgrade some things.
I will admit she is much faster than I am....but so far I'm doing my best to keep up. I need a name for her. Any suggestions?
Dad, Heidi & I went on a long ride today, 50 miles. We rode up to a small town north of here. Found the McDonalds & ate a hamburger & cookie and then made our way home. It was a fabulous day for riding, of course we had the wind to deal with, but the temps were mid 60's.
by: Heather
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
GO! St. Louis 1/2 Marathon
Heidi wanted me to blog about our 13.1 mile race on Sunday.
We had a fantastic race. And finally I can say the time training paid off on race day. This was my 4th 1/2 marathon. I have prepared for all the other races, but never had a race equal the training. Also worth mentioning that I've never stuck to a plan and been as focused and getting in each workout.
Last April we did Nashville's Rock N Roll Half Marathon. I had a terrible race! Heidi did awesome and verbally pulled me slowly through the race. She would not leave me. It was very hot that day and we had not had any really warm days to train.
I felt good during the race. The last few miles always hurt, but that is normal. Got a few blisters. And now down to 7 toenails. Another normal thing. Heidi says my body is high maintenance.
Sunday the miles went by so quickly and we enjoyed all of it. Walking only through the water stations. I won't share what our total time was, but we PR'd (I believe stands for personal record) by 12 minutes. Which was huge for us.
This race gave me some confidence moving closer and closer to June 6th. I'm getting excited and continue to enjoy the ride.
Side Note: Favorite t-shirt we saw said. "There is not an ounce of quit in this body." I kept saying that in my head along with.... "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
Another FYI: We are planning a over night trip to the race site. We'll do a swim/bike/run workout and become familiar with the course.
We had a fantastic race. And finally I can say the time training paid off on race day. This was my 4th 1/2 marathon. I have prepared for all the other races, but never had a race equal the training. Also worth mentioning that I've never stuck to a plan and been as focused and getting in each workout.
Last April we did Nashville's Rock N Roll Half Marathon. I had a terrible race! Heidi did awesome and verbally pulled me slowly through the race. She would not leave me. It was very hot that day and we had not had any really warm days to train.
I felt good during the race. The last few miles always hurt, but that is normal. Got a few blisters. And now down to 7 toenails. Another normal thing. Heidi says my body is high maintenance.
Sunday the miles went by so quickly and we enjoyed all of it. Walking only through the water stations. I won't share what our total time was, but we PR'd (I believe stands for personal record) by 12 minutes. Which was huge for us.
This race gave me some confidence moving closer and closer to June 6th. I'm getting excited and continue to enjoy the ride.
Side Note: Favorite t-shirt we saw said. "There is not an ounce of quit in this body." I kept saying that in my head along with.... "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
Another FYI: We are planning a over night trip to the race site. We'll do a swim/bike/run workout and become familiar with the course.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Go! St. Louis 1/2 Marathon
What a great day/race!
The weeks leading up to this 1/2 marathon we didn't even think about the race. The week of we had to remind ourselves that we were actually doing it. Any year prior this race would have been HUGE but yesterday was a big stepping stone to the 70.3. When our training plan called for a 40 mile bike & 2 mile run just 2 days before the race we had to call our trainer just to make sure that was accurate. And for the record- heather & i stepped it down to 20 mile bike & 2 mile run- being a little nervous about how our legs would feel after that type of workout before a major race. We were sort of excited about Sunday because it would take us about 1/2 the time that our normal Sunday workouts have been taking us!
I started the day off being VERY nervous. As I always am on race morning. I felt good but also could feel my legs being sore. At this point we don't know what it feels like to have completely rested legs.
We started the race. It was a beautiful morning. 7am. Sun rising and about 50+ degrees with high looking at 80 for the day. The miles went by so smoothly- and quite quickly. At mile 2 I was thinking about a walk break but didn't really need one. We found our first water station- grabbed some- and started running again. From that point on I never thought about a walk break again. We walked to drink our water/gatorade every 2 miles for less than 30 seconds. Before this day- heather & I had NEVER taken a run over 3 miles without a walk break. We ran the entire 13.1 miles without a walk break!!!
I felt great the entire race. My feet were tired of course but my body felt great and I was in a fantastic mood. I enjoy the motivational tshirts, signs, the crowd (best of all my husband that road his bike around the city finding us at at least 5 places!) and cheerleaders and just being with a group of 17,000 other people running after their own goals. It was a beautiful day.
Packet pick up on Sat. afternoon. Great bags!
a little help from hammer gel. these are our favorites and nearly become wonderful chocolate pudding after being on your back getting warmed up :)

my shoe & timing chip
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
April 7, 2010
Today is an off day. I'm spending my day with 3rd through 6th graders. Its strange, but I'm a substitute teacher at my son's school. Also strange is that I enjoy these kids and they make the day fly by. Unfortunately nothing is getting done with my "normal" job. Equally unfortunate I am very behind with the normal job. But I'm enjoying this day just as it is.
Regarding our training....we have our 1/2 marathon this weekend. Usually the week before a race I'm nervous and losing a little sleep thinking about the race. This week has not been that way. I feel the race is further away because I'm not thinking much at all about the race. Maybe its because the last several Sundays we have spent 4 plus hours training and Sunday will be short in comparision. Maybe its because we are prepared. Either way I'm enjoying our taper week, but especially this day off training.
by: Heather
Monday, April 5, 2010
....we're getting a divorce and I'm gonna marry tailwind! And live happily ever after! Our rides lately have brought out my not-so-pretty side. I have talked like a sailor and probably not been the best riding buddy. My attitude was horrible yesterday, except when we finished & headed to Sonic for our shake ;)
Yesterday (EASTER) we ran a little over 2 miles and hopped on the bike for 50 miles. I am not exaggerating when I say we had only 15 miles of tailwind. The rest of the ride was headwind or sidewind. It was tough, but excellent training (I'm sure it will pay off on race day).
This week is relatively easy. Swim today, run Tues & Thurs, off Weds, and a short run/bike/run on Friday. We are tapering for our 1/2 marathon on Sunday in St. Louis. I'm excited to see what we can do - it will still be slow by most standards. But we are more trained than ever before.
Yesterday (EASTER) we ran a little over 2 miles and hopped on the bike for 50 miles. I am not exaggerating when I say we had only 15 miles of tailwind. The rest of the ride was headwind or sidewind. It was tough, but excellent training (I'm sure it will pay off on race day).
This week is relatively easy. Swim today, run Tues & Thurs, off Weds, and a short run/bike/run on Friday. We are tapering for our 1/2 marathon on Sunday in St. Louis. I'm excited to see what we can do - it will still be slow by most standards. But we are more trained than ever before.
Friday, April 2, 2010
The last 2 rides have been tough on us...mentally & physically. Last Sunday was 30 miles, which we were thinking was going to be easy.... without the nasty headwind it would have been. We rode 15 miles straight into the wind & then felt a little like Lance on the way home. Loving the tail wind & feeling really strong.
Today's ride was HILLY & windy! We enjoyed 12 miles with a tail wind and mostly flat terrain. The other 28 miles was very hilly with side & head wind. Great training, but I'm praying that our race has a lot less wind!!
Monday, March 29, 2010
my, my my...
...how things have changed this month. Not sure if this was mentioned a month ago, but Heidi told me to enjoy February and whatever I did, "do not look at March!!" This message was sent to me via email a month ago. And look at us now, we have not only made it through all the March's workouts, but we're feeling good & optimistic! A tad sore after this weekend, but nothing major.
I tell my friends about our 50 mile bike rides or 12 mile runs and they look at me like I am crazy! And while that might be true, I firmly believe that anyone can do anything!! Its fear that holds us hostage from accomplishing new things. I've heard this so many times... "I could NEVER do anything like that". UH, sure you can! Trust me, we are very slow triathletes! But my goal (or Heidi's) has never been to get top 10 in our age group. We are just racing to have fun & find out just how far we can push our mom bodies.
From the beginning of this journey we have taken one day at a time. I truly focus on the workout for that day. Ask me what I'm doing this sunday. I have no idea, but I do know it will involve a swim/bike or run workout. And an easter egg hunt.
So, for anyone out there wanting to TRI something new..... doesn't have to be triathlon or run related.... YOU CAN DO IT! I find it very rewarding breaking my own little mental records..... like we swam 2600 yards the other day, never done that. Or in a couple weeks we'll ride 60 & 70 miles on a bike. NEVER done that!
I am grateful for my family & friends who make this possible. Especially to my hubby, Phil & 2 boys, Ashton & Parker. Thanks for allowing me to get out on this skinny branch of 70.3 training. I am blessed with the most supportive family!
Good Monday.
It seems that Monday's are the best days for me to blog! My mood is usually the best because we look forward to an easy tuesday run (always 3-4 miles) and then an off day! I have started getting anxious heading into the weekends.
We had to swap days again this weekend because I had to work on Friday. I have found that work gets in the way of training quite frequently- and I only work 10 hours a week! I really do not see how working adults train for a half- or even more a whole- ironman.
Saturday was our 12 miler. It had its ups & downs. The run overall was a really great run for me. At the end I felt better/stronger than I did on the 10 and 11 miler's. And it even went .3 over the 12! Usually Heather & I get to our goal mark and STOP... walking the rest if we still aren't back at the truck. This week we actually felt like we could run more if we needed.
Yesterday we hopped back on the bike for a 30-mile bike ride. We had at least 30mph wind on the way out. It was AWFUL. I would attempt to draft behind Nathan but I simply could not avoid any of the wind. I couldn't even ride straight! The way home was SO FUN! We were going 20+ without even working hard! I was very happy to get home.
An easy 1500 swim this morning. Heather & I both admitted that we did the 2600 much easier than we did the 1500 today. We are both very sore today.
Going to go enjoy this "easy" week! The sun is out ALL week. That will definitely help my training spirits!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Tuesday March 23, 2010
Today's workout was a hilly 4 mile run. Our instructions were to run hard up the hills & easy the rest of the run. We choose to run on our road, which is SUPER HiLlY!! Most of the hills are short, but there are 2 hills that are very long & steep. We did awesome. My legs are still sore from the weekend and especially 11 (hilly) miles on Sunday. But we ran our legs off up each & every hill.
I am encouraged by our training. We are getting stronger with each workout. Loving the day off and swim days! And really looking forward to next week......EASY WEEK!!! This doesn't mean that we are off all week, just our workouts are shorter & less intense. It will be a chance for muscles to recover & me to get some laundry accomplished.
by: Heather
I am encouraged by our training. We are getting stronger with each workout. Loving the day off and swim days! And really looking forward to next week......EASY WEEK!!! This doesn't mean that we are off all week, just our workouts are shorter & less intense. It will be a chance for muscles to recover & me to get some laundry accomplished.
by: Heather
Monday, March 22, 2010
Heidi Rambles.
I am blogging today because my mood/spirits have improved since the weekend! Late last week and through the weekend I felt overwhelmed by life. The workouts have gotten so long that I don't have time (or energy) to get anything else accomplished. I hate going into the weekend with a dirty house and that is exactly what happened. And the workouts just get more intense through the weekend. I have pulled through the weekend, am in a better state of mind, and am learning to use my time more wisely during the easier days.
We re-arranged some workouts due to snow on Sat- and cold temps on Sunday.
Thursday we did hill repeats (as scheduled). We rode to the hill- about 20 minutes- then up THE hill 5 minutes, repeat, repeat, repeat. Four hill repeats (doesn't sound like a lot but 5 minutes climbing a hill is quite challenging for my legs!). Then back home- with another very long & steep hill. DONE. Felt great.
Friday- the biggest workout yet. A triathlon. 1000 swim, 50 mile bike, 2 mile run. The most I had ever biked was 30 miles. Plus, my legs were not fresh after the night before. Less than 15 hours later we started this! I knew it was going to be a challenge and it was. I was hurtin' on the bike- and for sure on the run. There was quite a bit of headwind (not sure exactly what it was but enough to make me mad!) on the way back. I lost my good attitude. It took us 4 hrs 34 min. It was also my longest workout so far.
Saturday- I loathed getting in the pool. Again, our biggest swim workout. 2400. It went by quicker than I thought and I actually felt less sore.
Sunday- 11 mile run. It was still a little icy and called for rain nearly all day. We decided to go later in the day and found no ice (or rain) on the roads, trail or sidewalks. I was not looking forward to it at all. Heather had picked an extremely HILLY route which scared me. Turns out I had a great run. Felt really good miles 2-7 (I never have a great first mile or two). Started hurting about mile 8 but finished with good spirits and I have found that is better than anything!
My legs are very sore today (Monday). We had a swim workout this morning. I didn't use my legs as much as usual and managed to get through it with good spirits!
We re-arranged some workouts due to snow on Sat- and cold temps on Sunday.
Thursday we did hill repeats (as scheduled). We rode to the hill- about 20 minutes- then up THE hill 5 minutes, repeat, repeat, repeat. Four hill repeats (doesn't sound like a lot but 5 minutes climbing a hill is quite challenging for my legs!). Then back home- with another very long & steep hill. DONE. Felt great.
Friday- the biggest workout yet. A triathlon. 1000 swim, 50 mile bike, 2 mile run. The most I had ever biked was 30 miles. Plus, my legs were not fresh after the night before. Less than 15 hours later we started this! I knew it was going to be a challenge and it was. I was hurtin' on the bike- and for sure on the run. There was quite a bit of headwind (not sure exactly what it was but enough to make me mad!) on the way back. I lost my good attitude. It took us 4 hrs 34 min. It was also my longest workout so far.
Saturday- I loathed getting in the pool. Again, our biggest swim workout. 2400. It went by quicker than I thought and I actually felt less sore.
Sunday- 11 mile run. It was still a little icy and called for rain nearly all day. We decided to go later in the day and found no ice (or rain) on the roads, trail or sidewalks. I was not looking forward to it at all. Heather had picked an extremely HILLY route which scared me. Turns out I had a great run. Felt really good miles 2-7 (I never have a great first mile or two). Started hurting about mile 8 but finished with good spirits and I have found that is better than anything!
My legs are very sore today (Monday). We had a swim workout this morning. I didn't use my legs as much as usual and managed to get through it with good spirits!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Screamin' legs
This week is by far the hardest week yet. My legs have been sore for a solid 7 days! On our 4 mile run this morning they were screaming at me! Our "easy" run days have become a bit more intense. We run a mile slow, 2 miles fast and finish with a slow mile. Today we had a MAJOR steep hill in the middle of our fast mile. It was intense. I have learned that I take at least 2 miles to warm up. After mile 3 I feel so much better.
We have been doing a great job of fitting our workouts in our schedule. And our husbands and families have been super amazing for taking the kids during our workouts. Nathan & I talked in depth about it before we even started because this is just as much a commitment for him as it is for me. The workouts are getting longer so it is beginning to get more difficult to arrange & squeeze. Heather & I have both realized that we are getting so tired from our long workouts that we are noticing things around the house not getting done!
After our 4 mile run this morning we started our rest day. Tomorrow is off for us! I have been dreaming of this day for a week!
I will enjoy it while it lasts!
This week is by far the hardest week yet. My legs have been sore for a solid 7 days! On our 4 mile run this morning they were screaming at me! Our "easy" run days have become a bit more intense. We run a mile slow, 2 miles fast and finish with a slow mile. Today we had a MAJOR steep hill in the middle of our fast mile. It was intense. I have learned that I take at least 2 miles to warm up. After mile 3 I feel so much better.
We have been doing a great job of fitting our workouts in our schedule. And our husbands and families have been super amazing for taking the kids during our workouts. Nathan & I talked in depth about it before we even started because this is just as much a commitment for him as it is for me. The workouts are getting longer so it is beginning to get more difficult to arrange & squeeze. Heather & I have both realized that we are getting so tired from our long workouts that we are noticing things around the house not getting done!
After our 4 mile run this morning we started our rest day. Tomorrow is off for us! I have been dreaming of this day for a week!
I will enjoy it while it lasts!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Sunday Brick-March 14th
Yesterday was the kinda day that before this training I would have NEVER gotten on the bike. It was cloudy, cool (mid-40's) and looked like it would rain any minute. But at this point we are too scared to skip a workout! We are still not quite confident that all this work will equal the finish line on June 6th. And to skip a brick, long workout on Sunday, well, its just not gonna happen! And especially not because of a few sprinkles & cool weather.
Thankfully the rain held off. We did get wet but mostly from drafting & the roads being wet.
Here was the workout: 30 minute bike/1 mile run. repeat, repeat. On paper it looked easy, but its never easy to run after biking. And the wind made the bike feel like we had our brakes on...But we did awesome and I feel we pushed ourselves, especially on the run!
Dad & Nathan joined in our fun! Only the crazy call it fun....
by: Heather
Thankfully the rain held off. We did get wet but mostly from drafting & the roads being wet.
Here was the workout: 30 minute bike/1 mile run. repeat, repeat. On paper it looked easy, but its never easy to run after biking. And the wind made the bike feel like we had our brakes on...But we did awesome and I feel we pushed ourselves, especially on the run!
Dad & Nathan joined in our fun! Only the crazy call it fun....
by: Heather
Saturday Swim-Mar 13th
As with everything our swim workouts are getting longer. And I continue to learn about nutrition & when & how much to eat. Note to self: Do not begin a swim workout on an empty stomach. It was the 1st time, in recent memory, that I felt myself "bonking". (for a non-tri person.... this means running outa energy, no more gas in the tank.) I still had about 15 laps to go and realized it was either get something in my tank or quit the swim. Luckily, I had packed a banana in my gym bag. So, I got outa the pool & went for my snack. It was perfect timing and I was able to complete the swim.
by : Heather
by : Heather
Sunday, March 14, 2010
10 mile run
March just keeps building the distances! My focus with this is to enjoy this journey. Mentally I really really dread the long runs. I'm not really sure why, but it does limit me. So as Friday's run got closer I focused on positives. Like the route or thankful that spring is almost here and its warmer outside. This positive attitude helped me and I was able to push the pace (a bit). And felt really good until mile 9, when feet began to hurt.
We were also mentally prepared for rain. It looked like we would get wet, but did not begin sprinkling until we were done. I am hoping we get a couple chances to run & bike in wet conditions. You never know what race day weather will bring and I want to be ready!
We were also mentally prepared for rain. It looked like we would get wet, but did not begin sprinkling until we were done. I am hoping we get a couple chances to run & bike in wet conditions. You never know what race day weather will bring and I want to be ready!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
30 miler
Yesterday morning Dad, Heather & I hit the road for our 30 mile bike ride. It was goign to be 70 degrees for a high so we were super excited about being outside. Thankfully, mom took the kids (or we would have been stuck inside on our trainers!). We are so lucky to have so many options in people who want our children!
It was a great ride. Some head wind on the way home but we told Dad his bonus for riding with us was the fact that he had to pull us home!
Heather & I both made the comment that we feel ourselves getting stronger and we are able to recover better after long hills. Below are some pictures of us before the ride. Sorry that Dad had to take the picture and didn't make it in it! The John Deere place let us use their parking lot- reason for all the tractors!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Adventure race.
Let me start off by saying that I WAY under estimated this race. I was a little nervous (as usual for a race) but I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Secondly, let me mention that I love my husband very much and on this day we hit a new milestone of love and commitment.
Nathan went to the pre-race meeting and came home and said "you might want to kill me tomorrow....". The race director (who is also a friend of ours) decided to add a sandbag course to the end of the race.
The race went like this:
4 mile gravel run
7 mile gravel bike
2 mile canoe (in which you had to drop your bike and climb this HUGE dam to get your canoe)
7 mile bike back
40lb sandbag course with at least 6 military crawls on the ground with your sandbag
Throughout this whole race you had to carry your backpack. Thankfully I had a very small backpack and only had to carry some nutrition, my running shoes and my shirt & pants (oh, and a compass, whistle...).
The course was on the hilliest roads you can imagine. During the run it was hard to recover on the downhill because it was so steep and gravel. I was quite proud of my performance however. I got on the bike and I can't even explain the hills. And unlike road biking where you can gain speed downhill and carry some of that up the hill on the other side- mtn bikes on gravel don't get you anywhere!!
On at least 6-8 of the MOUNTAINS I climbed on the bike Nathan would catch me mid hill and put his hand on my back and push me up- allowing my legs to be able to do it. I would have been walking a bunch of those hills (like many of the other bikers) if Nathan would not have done that. I have no idea how he climbed them himself AND helped push me. I seriously got emotional on one of them when he did this.
The first 7 miles of the bike went decent. I got off the bike to head to the canoe and my legs were shaking. I was so happy to see the canoe and it went fairly smooth. It was a beautiful day- sunny & high 50's. Back on the bike and I had no legs left. I got through it. On to the sandbag. I really didn't care about anything at that point. I grabbed the sandbag, ran to the first crawl, fell on the ground and just started rolling through it and dragging that stupid bag, back up on my shoulder to run to the next one....
I was stunned that this race was so tough for me. I felt like I had been working hard on endurance- running & biking- and I don't understand why I didn't have it that day. It gave me a good view of where I am at and where I need to go from here. Yes, the gravel is totally different- and the hills were tough to say the least. Plus, the race was 4 hours for us. I have never raced that long before.
It was a wonderful day spent with my husband.... and I must admit that it was sort of fun too....
Let me start off by saying that I WAY under estimated this race. I was a little nervous (as usual for a race) but I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Secondly, let me mention that I love my husband very much and on this day we hit a new milestone of love and commitment.
Nathan went to the pre-race meeting and came home and said "you might want to kill me tomorrow....". The race director (who is also a friend of ours) decided to add a sandbag course to the end of the race.
The race went like this:
4 mile gravel run
7 mile gravel bike
2 mile canoe (in which you had to drop your bike and climb this HUGE dam to get your canoe)
7 mile bike back
40lb sandbag course with at least 6 military crawls on the ground with your sandbag
Throughout this whole race you had to carry your backpack. Thankfully I had a very small backpack and only had to carry some nutrition, my running shoes and my shirt & pants (oh, and a compass, whistle...).
The course was on the hilliest roads you can imagine. During the run it was hard to recover on the downhill because it was so steep and gravel. I was quite proud of my performance however. I got on the bike and I can't even explain the hills. And unlike road biking where you can gain speed downhill and carry some of that up the hill on the other side- mtn bikes on gravel don't get you anywhere!!
On at least 6-8 of the MOUNTAINS I climbed on the bike Nathan would catch me mid hill and put his hand on my back and push me up- allowing my legs to be able to do it. I would have been walking a bunch of those hills (like many of the other bikers) if Nathan would not have done that. I have no idea how he climbed them himself AND helped push me. I seriously got emotional on one of them when he did this.
The first 7 miles of the bike went decent. I got off the bike to head to the canoe and my legs were shaking. I was so happy to see the canoe and it went fairly smooth. It was a beautiful day- sunny & high 50's. Back on the bike and I had no legs left. I got through it. On to the sandbag. I really didn't care about anything at that point. I grabbed the sandbag, ran to the first crawl, fell on the ground and just started rolling through it and dragging that stupid bag, back up on my shoulder to run to the next one....
I was stunned that this race was so tough for me. I felt like I had been working hard on endurance- running & biking- and I don't understand why I didn't have it that day. It gave me a good view of where I am at and where I need to go from here. Yes, the gravel is totally different- and the hills were tough to say the least. Plus, the race was 4 hours for us. I have never raced that long before.
It was a wonderful day spent with my husband.... and I must admit that it was sort of fun too....
Monday, March 8, 2010
40 Miler...
This Sunday, after a very busy day, Phil, Dad & I headed out to accomplish 40 miles. My longest ride since I was in Pathfinders (grade school years). It was gorgeous day! Perfect temps & lots of sunshine. I was really looking forward to riding outside!
The first 20 miles went really well! My legs felt strong. I pushed myself & did my best to keep up with Phil & my Dad. They were kind & waited for me. We turned around to head back home, mind you we were cutting it very close to arrive back to our cars before dark. So close in fact that we packed some tail lights in case it got too dark. We pulled out our lights around 30 miles. The last 10 miles the sun was setting and the legs were ready to be done.
40 miles felt like more than I was ready for, but its done. I am sure that in the coming weeks 40 miles will feel like a short ride.
Today was swim day. 2000 yards. Like Heidi mentioned, March is a month of building our distances. We'll bike 30 miles Weds followed by a 10 mile run Friday.
By: Heather
The first 20 miles went really well! My legs felt strong. I pushed myself & did my best to keep up with Phil & my Dad. They were kind & waited for me. We turned around to head back home, mind you we were cutting it very close to arrive back to our cars before dark. So close in fact that we packed some tail lights in case it got too dark. We pulled out our lights around 30 miles. The last 10 miles the sun was setting and the legs were ready to be done.
40 miles felt like more than I was ready for, but its done. I am sure that in the coming weeks 40 miles will feel like a short ride.
Today was swim day. 2000 yards. Like Heidi mentioned, March is a month of building our distances. We'll bike 30 miles Weds followed by a 10 mile run Friday.
By: Heather
Friday, March 5, 2010
Friday- Feeling stronger
This is our easy week. We have been enjoying it. However, we were talking on our 3 miler on thursday that we really just get warmed up at 2 miles so beyond 2 miles is the easiest part of the run. I definitely struggle the most on mile one.
Today we had a 45 min bike. It was going to be a high of 52 today- and sunny- so we hopped on our road bikes for the first time of the season! It was fantastic! I chose shorts & long sleeves. A little cold to start off with but it felt great. The best part of the ride was how great I felt. I really do feel myself getting stronger. We did a ride that we rode many times last summer and I never felt as good as I did today. Last year I would struggle on those hills and today I really felt like I conquered them easier... and didn't dread them like I did before.
Tomorrow is a first for me. Nathan & I are doing a team adventure race. It involves backpacks, compasses, whistles... and adventure! 2-3 miles of canoeing, 13 mile mtn bike and a 3-4 mile trail run. I'm excited about- and a little nervous. I haven't done many bricks yet (bricks are back to back things- like a bike & run, or swim & bike...). But nothing I can't accomplish! It will be fun to do it with Nathan and I know I will push myself very hard.
I'll post how it goes!
Oh, and Sunday we have our first BIG bike- 40 miles! The most I've ever biked was 28 miles. We'll see how my legs feel after tomorrow. March has begun- and the hard core training is starting its full swing!
Today we had a 45 min bike. It was going to be a high of 52 today- and sunny- so we hopped on our road bikes for the first time of the season! It was fantastic! I chose shorts & long sleeves. A little cold to start off with but it felt great. The best part of the ride was how great I felt. I really do feel myself getting stronger. We did a ride that we rode many times last summer and I never felt as good as I did today. Last year I would struggle on those hills and today I really felt like I conquered them easier... and didn't dread them like I did before.
Tomorrow is a first for me. Nathan & I are doing a team adventure race. It involves backpacks, compasses, whistles... and adventure! 2-3 miles of canoeing, 13 mile mtn bike and a 3-4 mile trail run. I'm excited about- and a little nervous. I haven't done many bricks yet (bricks are back to back things- like a bike & run, or swim & bike...). But nothing I can't accomplish! It will be fun to do it with Nathan and I know I will push myself very hard.
I'll post how it goes!
Oh, and Sunday we have our first BIG bike- 40 miles! The most I've ever biked was 28 miles. We'll see how my legs feel after tomorrow. March has begun- and the hard core training is starting its full swing!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Our Tues/Thurs running group
It was picture day for our running group this morning. This running group started with just a handful of people and has grown to as many as over 200. Today was an average attendance for the winter months- they have huge attendance during the warmer months. Its a fun time- they take attendence, give out beads for perfect & near perfect attendance and makes you feel a part of something fun. Heather & I really enjoy it because it gets our workout over with early in the morning, there are other people with you in the dark (and cold) and we don't have to arrange child care since our hubs don't have to leave for work until we get back home.
They have 3 different routes (A, B & C)- ranging from 4-8 (or more) miles. Heather & I usually pick up the "D" route since we have to be back home by 630am. It starts at 530am so if we have a long run scheduled that day then we just start earlier.
heather & i are in the front row.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Florida Runnin
We are back from vacation as Heidi has already mentioned. I am so proud of us for keeping up with our training, while on vacation. Normally I do good just getting half the workouts done on a training plan. But we are getting nearly ALL our workouts done! This is amazing. I think part of me is so afraid of this 1/2 ironman distance that I am ultra motivated to be absolutely prepared.
Heidi emailed me at the beginning of Feb and told me "DO NOT LOOK AHEAD TO MARCH! Lets just enjoy February" Well- here we are.... the 1st day of March... ready or not here we are....we have a 40 mile bike ride on Sunday + 1 mile run. But until then I'm going to enjoy an "easy" week of training! I'm still not ready to look to far ahead on our training calendar.
Heidi & I after our 9 miles in Marathon Florida
by: Heather
Home & back at it.
We are back from Florida and I'm ready to hit it hard! Good thing because that is exactly what the plan is telling me to do!
My run with the Crocs went very well. I did a few loops and felt pretty good. The hardest thing about it was running without my partner! I turned up the ipod and stayed away from the crocs.
While down in the Keys we did a few short runs, a core workout taught by Nathan and a 9 miler on friday. I was dreading the 9 miles the whole week. I'm not sure why besides the fact that I really didn't feel ready for nine yet. And the first three were very hard on me. I have been having trouble with my toes and feet going numb and hurting. It was pretty bad on my 8 miles by myself. I'm going to talk to my shoe girl this week about it. I've always had some issue with numbness but this feels like my foot is dead and the bottom is hurting. Anyway, after the first 3-4 miles I got in a grove and the final 5 miles went quickly and quite easily. I was thrilled to be done with it and felt silly about dreading it.
Yesterday was our first day home and we had a 2 hour bike ride on our schedule. I was very ready to get back on the bike. I knew my legs had been missing it. Heather didn't have much time yesterday and decided to hop on the trainer. I wanted to be outside. I despise the trainer and if the sun is shining and I have a partner I will choose outdoors any day. Nathan wanted to go so we gave the kids to Gram (who was begging for them any way) and headed out on a beautiful ride in the MO countryside. We choose the gravel and had a glorious ride. As soon as we hit the MKT trail (1/2 way through) it got mushy and irritating! It was a tough workout on soggy trails but I got it done and felt very accomplished.
This morning was back in the pool. Another thing that I have been feeling behind on. It felt good- and tiring. I could feel my 2 weeks out of the pool.
We're kicking it up a notch for March! Thanks for tuning in & keeping me accountable!
We are back from Florida and I'm ready to hit it hard! Good thing because that is exactly what the plan is telling me to do!
My run with the Crocs went very well. I did a few loops and felt pretty good. The hardest thing about it was running without my partner! I turned up the ipod and stayed away from the crocs.
While down in the Keys we did a few short runs, a core workout taught by Nathan and a 9 miler on friday. I was dreading the 9 miles the whole week. I'm not sure why besides the fact that I really didn't feel ready for nine yet. And the first three were very hard on me. I have been having trouble with my toes and feet going numb and hurting. It was pretty bad on my 8 miles by myself. I'm going to talk to my shoe girl this week about it. I've always had some issue with numbness but this feels like my foot is dead and the bottom is hurting. Anyway, after the first 3-4 miles I got in a grove and the final 5 miles went quickly and quite easily. I was thrilled to be done with it and felt silly about dreading it.
Yesterday was our first day home and we had a 2 hour bike ride on our schedule. I was very ready to get back on the bike. I knew my legs had been missing it. Heather didn't have much time yesterday and decided to hop on the trainer. I wanted to be outside. I despise the trainer and if the sun is shining and I have a partner I will choose outdoors any day. Nathan wanted to go so we gave the kids to Gram (who was begging for them any way) and headed out on a beautiful ride in the MO countryside. We choose the gravel and had a glorious ride. As soon as we hit the MKT trail (1/2 way through) it got mushy and irritating! It was a tough workout on soggy trails but I got it done and felt very accomplished.
This morning was back in the pool. Another thing that I have been feeling behind on. It felt good- and tiring. I could feel my 2 weeks out of the pool.
We're kicking it up a notch for March! Thanks for tuning in & keeping me accountable!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Vacation is too hard with training plans. The kids & I came to Florida a week earlier than the rest of the family. Which means I am missing several workouts. I am very stressed about that.
Last week was a tough week. I am really feeling stronger and better about myself and the workouts. I have not so quickly figured out that looking a month or even a few weeks ahead at the training plan is a good idea! One week at a time is do-able. And I am still enjoying it.
This week brings an 8 mile run in the Everglades.... with crocodiles. That will be interesting. It might mean me running a 1/4 mile loop around a campground 32 times just to avoid the crocs. Did you know they can run more than 30 mph?!
Vacation is too hard with training plans. The kids & I came to Florida a week earlier than the rest of the family. Which means I am missing several workouts. I am very stressed about that.
Last week was a tough week. I am really feeling stronger and better about myself and the workouts. I have not so quickly figured out that looking a month or even a few weeks ahead at the training plan is a good idea! One week at a time is do-able. And I am still enjoying it.
This week brings an 8 mile run in the Everglades.... with crocodiles. That will be interesting. It might mean me running a 1/4 mile loop around a campground 32 times just to avoid the crocs. Did you know they can run more than 30 mph?!
Having Fun
We are seeking balance along this path and have done a great job. Well, I am more behind on household duties, but I'm working to improve that :) I am thankful for the awesome support I have around me and without doubt, could not be doing any of this training without their help.
Heidi & I out with girlfriends. My training BF!!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
trainer ride
Here I am camped out in front of the TV for 1 hr & 45 minutes. It was not as bad as I was expecting. Luck for me I found a movie and that was a wonderful distraction.
long runs begin
Thursday, February 11th was our longest run so far, nothing we have not run before. But 7 miles was the longest run I have done since April 2009. We discussed our route the night before and agreed to begin at 4:50 am. Which means we both got up @ 4:20 am. VERY EARLY!! Also wanted to mention that the low was 7 degrees. Which evidently we were prepared for, because neither of us complained about the cold, well, not much. We thought we knew the route, but came to a T in the road and realized we went left where we should have gone RIGHT! Oh NO! If we continued our run would be cut short & we would not make the 7 miles. So we turned around & headed back to correct our mistake. Which in turn added almost a mile to our run. Not only were we not prepared or ready to get 8 miles, but time was also a factor, as we must be home by 6:30am to let husbands get to work. Needless to say we were late getting home, but the good news is: we're ready for 8 miles.
rest week
Last week was an easy week. And honestly it was not my favorite week so far of training. I felt I did not deserve the break. Don't get me wrong we did workouts, just shorter, slower workouts. We always look forward to our day off, which is usually Wednesday. Since we have never followed a plan this intense we are getting use to working HARD and then pulling back & going slow/easy.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
The perfect husband/training support
This is my wonderful husband cleaning my bike (in 35 degrees!) after our very muddy gravel ride! Thanks babe! Guess this means that I will be doing this sort of support later in the year when he is training for his 1/2!
Cheers to a easy week! And great training partners- and support!
More Gravel
Today was more bike riding for us. Last sunday we did 90 minutes with our bikes on the trainer. For me it went better than I was expecting, but I much prefer to be outside for most of our workouts. I dread the treadmill, prefer open water swimming & riding outside. So today we got layered up & braved the cold weather (it was about 30 deg. when we began, but thankfully little wind & sunny skies). We met up with CMC (Columbia Multisport friends) and began our 2nd gravel ride. I am falling in love with gravel rides. No traffic, we stay warm even in cold weather and get to explore new roads in the country. Not to mention the smell of farms and visiting with cows.
Gravel riding is a GREAT workout!! WOW! Our legs were burning as we slowly climbed some hills. Looking forward to next weeks ride!
Week 4 is an EASY week!!! WOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!
By: Heather
Gravel riding is a GREAT workout!! WOW! Our legs were burning as we slowly climbed some hills. Looking forward to next weeks ride!
Week 4 is an EASY week!!! WOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!
By: Heather
Monday, January 25, 2010
Thoughts & Feelings....
I started this training plan feeling pretty confident. I knew we could get the workouts done, but underestimated where I was physically. I thought & hoped I was in better shape. So, the first week was a little tough on me, mentally & physically. I was discouraged & really disappointed that I wasn't ready for double workout days. Stupidly I thought my jeans would be loose & begin to see the muscles growing. A little exaggeration, but I wanted to see results. FAST! So that attitude pretty much stayed until the middle of last week.
Fast forward to today. We began week 3 today and I'm feeling myself getting stronger. And have learned to be patient with myself & realized that nothing worth having is quick & easy. My attitude is excellent & my physical shape is improving also.
I am so proud of Heidi's positive attitude! And thankfully for her influence on me.
by: Heather
Fast forward to today. We began week 3 today and I'm feeling myself getting stronger. And have learned to be patient with myself & realized that nothing worth having is quick & easy. My attitude is excellent & my physical shape is improving also.
I am so proud of Heidi's positive attitude! And thankfully for her influence on me.
by: Heather
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Congrats Dad!
Our Dad just signed up to do Kansas 70.3 with us! We are training the same plan and are excited when we can train together. He might do some guest posts in the future.
He is the reason our family is doing triathlon. So we are so excited to be doing our first 70.3 with our dad- and our mentor!
He is the reason our family is doing triathlon. So we are so excited to be doing our first 70.3 with our dad- and our mentor!
Workout Weekend!
We started our weekend with our spinning class on friday morning. It is so nice because our mom (nana) takes the kids for the morning so we can get our workout done. We were sweating so badly and it was a really tough class. I come out of that class feeling like I really worked hard!
Saturday was my birthday. Heather & I didn't want to take time during the day (it was already jam packed with activities) so we opened the gym at 7am and started our 1400 swim workout. We are starting to do drills which really help break up the 28 laps! We do a 300 warm up, followed by some drills (catch up drill, arms only, 75%...) and then cool down. It is so much better than just swimming & counting laps. And when I am out of breath or breathing hard during swimming I know I'm doing something good!
Our second workout for that day was watching the MU girls play Baylor! Seriously, a workout for us! We scream, jump up & down and get our heart rate up big time! Our third workout was on the dance floor at the CMC banquet/my birthday party that night! Heather got more of a workout than I did that night :) I didn't stay too long on the dance floor- heather's calves were feeling it today!
This afternoon we decided to get on our Dad's trainers for a 90 minute bike ride. We watched football and spun. I was really dreading it- and the first 20 minutes were tough- but now that it is done I can actually say that it went pretty well! I would have rather been on the pavement watching the countryside and feeling the rollers. But we were treated pretty well at mom & dads. Remote controls, water delivery, orange slices brought to us and anything else we needed! We can't complain about that pampering!
Tomorrow starts week 3 for us!
We started our weekend with our spinning class on friday morning. It is so nice because our mom (nana) takes the kids for the morning so we can get our workout done. We were sweating so badly and it was a really tough class. I come out of that class feeling like I really worked hard!
Saturday was my birthday. Heather & I didn't want to take time during the day (it was already jam packed with activities) so we opened the gym at 7am and started our 1400 swim workout. We are starting to do drills which really help break up the 28 laps! We do a 300 warm up, followed by some drills (catch up drill, arms only, 75%...) and then cool down. It is so much better than just swimming & counting laps. And when I am out of breath or breathing hard during swimming I know I'm doing something good!
Our second workout for that day was watching the MU girls play Baylor! Seriously, a workout for us! We scream, jump up & down and get our heart rate up big time! Our third workout was on the dance floor at the CMC banquet/my birthday party that night! Heather got more of a workout than I did that night :) I didn't stay too long on the dance floor- heather's calves were feeling it today!
This afternoon we decided to get on our Dad's trainers for a 90 minute bike ride. We watched football and spun. I was really dreading it- and the first 20 minutes were tough- but now that it is done I can actually say that it went pretty well! I would have rather been on the pavement watching the countryside and feeling the rollers. But we were treated pretty well at mom & dads. Remote controls, water delivery, orange slices brought to us and anything else we needed! We can't complain about that pampering!
Tomorrow starts week 3 for us!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Chasing Dad
Hello Blog Followers!
Today was a 5 mile run. Hurray! We woke up EARLY and started running at 5:00 am! Our Dad met us at the trail and really helped us push our pace. It felt really good to be running fast, well, relatively fast. The run felt good & nearly easy until we hit 3 miles. Then my legs got really tired & felt like we were running up hill (it was completely flat). It was not long until I, luckily, found a bit more energy and finished the run very strong. By finishing strong I mean it was a sprint to the end & we gave all we had in those last few minutes. We love finishing like that, kinda like we're sprinting toward the finish line in an actual race. Its been a while since we finished feeling like that and I love it!
BY: Heather
Today was a 5 mile run. Hurray! We woke up EARLY and started running at 5:00 am! Our Dad met us at the trail and really helped us push our pace. It felt really good to be running fast, well, relatively fast. The run felt good & nearly easy until we hit 3 miles. Then my legs got really tired & felt like we were running up hill (it was completely flat). It was not long until I, luckily, found a bit more energy and finished the run very strong. By finishing strong I mean it was a sprint to the end & we gave all we had in those last few minutes. We love finishing like that, kinda like we're sprinting toward the finish line in an actual race. Its been a while since we finished feeling like that and I love it!
BY: Heather
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