So, I haven't been doing much since last Wednesday. Until last night only a swim. Somewhere along this training journey I have become somewhat rigid about our training plan. And not being able to accomplished the workout each day has been driving me NUTS! You can ask Phil. I have been grumpy, moody & just not very fun to live with.
So on Saturday night Phil said we could cut up my old shoes and give my foot's bump space. (today was the first day I have warn a shoe, still not tied, but at least it fit.) At first I thought this was a weird idea, but the more I thought about it, the more I liked it. Last night after supper, he hooked my bike up on the trainer. Taped the shoe & gave me time to sweat & be happy.
Amazing what that 53 minute workout did for my spirits. Immediate mood improvements!
Today, Monday May 24th: The foot still has a bump. Heidi, Dad & I did the swim today in open water. Swelling is down, less pain and I can walk normal. Improvements, but still need the bump to be gone.
Thank GOD for our genius husbands, who through our OFTEN emotional unstableness, they pull through to make us HAPPY!!! I'm soooo glad you were able to ride, not the most ideal ride but you did it!!! LOVE YOU!!!! SO PROUD!