Hello Blog Followers!
Today was a 5 mile run. Hurray! We woke up EARLY and started running at 5:00 am! Our Dad met us at the trail and really helped us push our pace. It felt really good to be running fast, well, relatively fast. The run felt good & nearly easy until we hit 3 miles. Then my legs got really tired & felt like we were running up hill (it was completely flat). It was not long until I, luckily, found a bit more energy and finished the run very strong. By finishing strong I mean it was a sprint to the end & we gave all we had in those last few minutes. We love finishing like that, kinda like we're sprinting toward the finish line in an actual race. Its been a while since we finished feeling like that and I love it!
BY: Heather
It was a fun run!! Thanks for letting me tag along!! I was soooooo happy to be outside running!!