This Sunday, after a very busy day, Phil, Dad & I headed out to accomplish 40 miles. My longest ride since I was in Pathfinders (grade school years). It was gorgeous day! Perfect temps & lots of sunshine. I was really looking forward to riding outside!
The first 20 miles went really well! My legs felt strong. I pushed myself & did my best to keep up with Phil & my Dad. They were kind & waited for me. We turned around to head back home, mind you we were cutting it very close to arrive back to our cars before dark. So close in fact that we packed some tail lights in case it got too dark. We pulled out our lights around 30 miles. The last 10 miles the sun was setting and the legs were ready to be done.
40 miles felt like more than I was ready for, but its done. I am sure that in the coming weeks 40 miles will feel like a short ride.
Today was swim day. 2000 yards. Like Heidi mentioned, March is a month of building our distances. We'll bike 30 miles Weds followed by a 10 mile run Friday.
By: Heather
Heather you did great!! When I checked my Garmin we averaged over 15 mph for the 40 (and over 2,100 calories, but who is counting, right?)!!! Including a few stops!! GREAT JOB!!